Who is Winstar Tandverzorging
The experts of our organisation facilitate dentists, orthodontists and other care providers who want to fully focus on their profession.
Winstar Tandverzorging manages facilities and personnel for eleven oral healthcare practices.
Affiliated dentists and oral healthcare personnel choose Winstar Tandverzorging because they value small practices, a personal approach and high quality. In addition, it is possible to jointly decide on your own dental policy. The oral healthcare staff gives patients the time and attention they need to feel comfortable. Oral healthcare and treatments for which the patients are not just a number, but are seen, heard and helped.
" Making a positive contribution, because we like to provide a full-service solution "

Winstar Tandverzorging can be separated in two areas:
The Shared Service Centre
The Shared Service Center supports the practices as an expert center for operational management, personnel, marketing and PR, finances, purchasing, laws and regulations.
HR Services
HR Services is an intermediary between European BIG-registered dentists and its own and third-party practices.
Delivering a positive contribution because unburdening is our profession
The entire strategy is focused on a close relationship, both with the patient and with the employee. We are of the opinion that it is important to innovate in our area of work, by combining professional knowledge and customer experiences. ‘Winstar Tandverzorging provides a full-service solution’ is not just a catchphrase. We directly convert this mission into social awareness. As part of our corporate social responsibility we provide an interpreter to foreign patients and teach about preventive care in old people’s homes and schools. Our core values are curiosity, commitment and decisiveness, which align with Winstar’s sustainability philosophy. For example, we invest in biological dentistry. Winstar has been contributing to this area with the first biological dental practice in the Dutch province of Friesland.
The practices for Biological Dentistry
Did you know that biological dentistry can improve your overall health? Biological dentistry changed the world for Karin, who is free from migraines for the first time in years. By replacing her amalgam fillings, her headache disappeared like snow in the sun. Dentistry is more than just healthy teeth.
We consider the mouth as part of the entire person. If the interaction between teeth and organs is disrupted, optimal health cannot be achieved. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we understand like no other what is required to remedy oral complaints. Where the regular dentist focuses exclusively on oral health, we go further than that. We use materials that are body-friendly and provide our human body with the best.
Do you want to work at a practice in which you treat your patients with body-friendly materials only? Do you want to take the time to meet your patients and do you have a holistic view with regard to dentistry? Working at a biological dental practice could be your thing.
Do you want to know more about the practices in biological dentistry we support? (click here)
The practices for Regular Dentistry
A regular dental practice that is an active partner?
Personal attention and going the extra mile in regular dentistry, in particular for Kees and Emma. They are counting on a dentist who thinks along with them, who knows their needs. Who contacts the insurance to solve healthcare issues. The practices supported by Winstar Tandverzorging have years of experience. Experience with regard to dentistry, oral hygiene and orthodontics, so that they know which kind of care is needed.
By applying our professional knowledge as well as our knowledge of our customers every day, our employees create progress. Innovating together, that is what we believe in.
Winstar is not just here for Kees and Emma, but for everyone. What makes our working method in regular dentistry so special? We are committed, decisive and curious. Because we are sincerely interested in our employees, and in our patients, we can rise to the challenge together. As a organisation, we maintain our professionalism and wisdom, with which we propose practical solutions.
Are you looking for a job at an innovative dental practice and are you sincerely interested in your patients? Can you make the difference by being an active partner for your patients? Working at Winstar could be your thing! Our organisation provides dental healthcare for the whole family and we only deliver high quality services. Would you like more information? We look forward to hearing from you.
Do you want to know more about the practices in regular dentistry we support? (click here)
The practices for Orthodontics
Beautiful straight teeth that can last a lifetime?Our orthodontics practices provide care to Muhammed, one out of three children who needs dental braces. Radiant teeth are important and will last a lifetime. Dental braces are available for everyone, irrespective of age.
When Muhammed’s treatment started to show its benefits, his father Munzir also wanted to visit one of our orthodontics practices. From an aesthetic point of view, he choose an invisible type of dental braces, because that is also a possibility.
Winstar is not just here for Muhammed and Munzir, but for everyone in the Netherlands. By using the most recent technical developments, combined with an honest and personal approach, we can provide optimal care. In the examination phase, in which the position of teeth is mapped, we will make dental impressions and X-rays. We will make a diagnosis and set up a treatment plan, in collaboration with the orthodontist. The price estimate will be aligned with the record, so that it is always clear what the current status is.
Do you want to work at an organisation that focuses on collaboration? A organisation that combines your knowledge as an orthodontics specialist with technical developments? Can you provide the patient with a perfect smile? Ask for more information about working at Winstar!
Do you want to know more about the practices in orthodontics we support? (click here)
Patient reviews ?We collect reviews and testimonials from our patients, so that you can read how happy our patients are with our dental practices
Ik ben zeer tevreden met hoe ik behandeld ben in de praktijk, de tandartsen zijn heel aardig en de rest van het personeel in de praktijk ook! Ik kom zeker weer terug voor een controle
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Super aardige mensen in de praktijk van Amsterdam, een fijne ervaring! Ik zal zeker een nieuwe afspraak maken voor controle. Ik voelde me heel aangenaam in de praktijk en hoe ze mij behandelde